
World Continents - قارات العالم

Sometimes developers need a list of world continents in their databases. Here is the ISO code for world continents with Arabic and English names. You can download excel version from HERE I wish it will be useful for you. You also can see information about countries from HERE 

Enterprise Roles VS Application Roles

It is a very confusing topic, What is the difference between application roles and enterprise roles? Most ADF beginners don't know the difference between them and use them as one thing. Today I'll highlight on the difference between application roles and enterprise roles. Assume that you are in a company that has many working systems on different  platforms and the company recently has an approach to develop a new system using ADF to support one of its systems and you are required to develop the system. The system admin informed you that all users are stored on LDAP server and they are grouped according to their roles and positions. All systems read the users and roles from the LDAP server, No specific users for a system. You developed your application completely and it comes to the last stage that is applying ADF security to your application. You 'll see the required roles or groups needed for your application and you will assign ADF resou...

Convert Numbers into Words - تحويل الأعداد إلى كلمات

كثير من الناس تحتاج فى أنظمتها إلى تحويل الأعداد إلى كلمات مثل الشيكات والاذونات و...الخ A lot of people need in their systems to convert numbers to words and that is called in Arabic Tafqeet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ أنشئت دالة للتحويل بين الأعداد والكلمات وتدعم اللغة العربية والانجليزية. I created a function that convert numbers into words in both Arabic and English words. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ الكود الذى يدعم اللغة العربية من مجهودى الشخصى, أما الاخر الذى يدعم الانجليزية فهو من المصادر المتوفرة على الانترنت ولا حاجة لاعاده كتابته. The Arabic function is my own  effort, but the English one , I got it from the internet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ الدالة التى تحول الأرقام إلى كلمات عربى تم مراعاة القواعد النحوية من حيث تمييز العدد ولكن لم يتم اعتبار التشكيل نظرا لصعوبته ولكن ربما ف...